Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Use A Bed Wedge To Cure Your Acid Reflux

Are you someone who is suffering heartburn and acid reflux bouts and wish they would stop? Stopping heartburn is not really easy but its symptoms can be kept at bay. You will not be able to cure heartburn in a single night but you can follow some homemade remedies to cure the ailment over a period of time. Some people suffer from a lack of sleep because of heartburn and acid reflux. www.refluxguard.com made a mattress wedge can help them sleep better. These mattresses work by simply elevating the head and the neck in order to ensure that the contents within the stomach are unable to defy gravity and come up the food pipe. This small blog shall describe why bed wedges can help you with acid reflux.

Innovative technology

The bed wedge for acid reflux is an innovative solution for heartburn. It has been designed specifically for acid reflux patients. The design is scientifically based and it relieves your acid reflux with an elevation in your head and shoulders. It will help you sleep in a more natural position and this will help reduce heartburn and respiratory problems. Digestive ailments will also be reduced with a mattress wedge. This wedge is formed by adding two extra layers of foam and the mattress is also inclined at an angle to provide comfort along with elevation.

Scientific method

The fact that if you raise head of bed then you can control acid reflux symptoms is a proven scientific method. Research has shown that this technology is scientifically suitable to combat acid reflux. Studies show that using positional therapy can be used for treating mild and moderate heartburn symptoms during the night. Raising the head of the bed is extremely effective as a therapy to reduce any night time reflux. If you sleep in an inclined position then it will be difficult for any acid to come up into your food pipe and cause irritation. Unless you have a case of severe acid reflux, you can have a peaceful night’s sleep. Studies have also revealed that mild and moderate acid reflux patients can have almost 60 percent reduction in acid reflux when they start sleeping with a mattress wedge.

The solution

The simple solution that you should start to use as early as you can is to use the mattress wedge. All you need to do is elevate your mattress at a slight angle. It will help in reducing your heartburn and provide you with success and also ensure a comfortable night’s sleep. You can try this especially if you sleep alone because this will not bother your partner.

Using a bed wedge for acid reflux can help you get a good night’s sleep if you simply raise head of bed.

To conclude, it can be hard to believe that a mattress wedge can reduce acid reflux symptoms. But it can be a life saver for you. Hopefully, you will also get comfort with using one regularly.